• Indictable Matters

    District and Supreme Court

Many offences prescribed in legislation will be dealt with on indictment.

Many offences prescribed in legislation can be dealt with on indictment. There are some offences which are purely indictable meaning that the charges will be tried or sentenced in a superior court that is the District or Supreme Court’s.

All matters start in the Magistrates Court, for instance trafficking of drugs starts in the Magistrates Court and makes its way through to the District Court for a trial or sentence.

Indictable matters are normally heard before a jury, where there is a technical defence or upon a successful application by either the prosecution or the defence, the trial can be heard by Judge alone.
Some examples of indictable offences are:
• Possession with intent to sell or Supply a prohibited drug (that exceeds the presumptive amount in the Misuse of Drugs Act.

• Grievous bodily harm

• Murder

• Serious assaults including acts endangering life with intent

• Manslaughter

Indictable matters include the most serious matters prescribed in law, you need representation that will assist you in negotiating the procedural aspects and considered advice as to your prospects of success at trial.

Holmes Criminal Lawyers works closely with Senior Counsel from Francis Burt Chambers in relation to numerous matters, ensuring that all aspects of the trial preparation and representation are given the most thorough attention.

Paul Holmes

Suite 204, Level 1
471 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000

Office: (08) 6331 7800

Mobile: 0487 585 454

Email: paul@holmescriminallawyers.com.au