• Traffic Matters

    A lot can happen on the road – there are always two stories.

Traffic matters come in all different shapes and sizes

Traffic matters come in all different shapes and forms, from a simple contested speeding fine to dangerous driving causing death or even manslaughter.

From  an allegation that you used a mobile phone or ran a red light, right through to DUI giving rise to a charge of manslaughter, Holmes Criminal Lawyers can assist you in all of your traffic matters.

Some traffic matters attract mandatory imprisonment and suspension of your drivers licence. A plea in mitigation can in some instances, reduce the licecse suspension and negotiations have previously given rise to matters being downgraded from reckless driving to dangerous driving, therefore preventing the minimum mandatory imprisonment.

If you wish to apply for an extraordinary driver’s license, we can assist you in the process and represent you at the hearing.

Even if your license been suspended for life, Holmes Criminal Lawyers can assist you in your representation in the District Court for a life ban removal.

Driving with no authority can have significant consequences, even leading to imprisonment. There may be defences available to you in certain circumstances.

Any defence that may be available to you needs to be properly considered, contact our office to arrange an appointment.

Holmes Criminal lawyers are also Traffic Lawyers.

Paul Holmes

Suite 204, Level 1
471 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000

Office: (08) 6331 7800

Mobile: 0487 585 454

Email: paul@holmescriminallawyers.com.au