• Post Sentence Supervision Order Breach

A Post Sentence Supervision Order (PSSO) restricts a persons activities

A Post-Sentence Supervision Order (‘PSSO’) is an order that can be imposed upon a person at sentencing or by the parole board when a person is nearing the end of their term of imprisonment.

A breach of a PSSO can result in a term of imprisonment.

Where you are charged with a breach of a PSSO, unless you have a ‘reasonable excuse’ as to the allegations set out in the breach, you  commit the offence.

As with any criminal charge, the prosecution are required to prove each and every element of the offence. The prosecution are also (as an element) required to prove the conduct that gives rise to the alleged breach.

Discuss any of your concerns with Holmes Criminal Lawyers. They can provide detailed advice in relation to any allegation of the breach, discuss with you how to progress the matter and advise you in relation to penalty.

Paul Holmes

Suite 204, Level 1
471 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000

Office: (08) 6331 7800

Mobile: 0487 585 454

Email: paul@holmescriminallawyers.com.au